First experience at Aquaria KLCC via Klook - imansofi

2 October 2019

First experience at Aquaria KLCC via Klook

Hello people! One of my trips or activities during the previous semester holiday, going to Aquaria KLCC.

Aquaria KLCC is one of the largest aquaria through Southeast Asia. They have over 150 marine species include tiger sharks, lethal sea snakes, blue rays, bright coral fish, seahorses and more. It is located in the heart of the city, beneath the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and can easily accessible from the Suria KLCC. 

Waktu pergi ni kebetulan pula tengah public holiday. So, memang akan ramai orang dekat aquaria ni. Kalau tak nak beratur panjang waktu beli tiket di kaunter, better beli tiket secara online siap-siap. Tak perlu buang masa untuk beli tiket. Kalau tanya aku, aku memang dah tempah tiket secara online thru apps Klook. Aku ada terangkan macam mana nak beli secara online di bawah.

Since kami dah beli tiket awal, just perlu sediakan IC and scan barcode yang dah di emailkan ke kita guna fon saja. Terlalu banyak spesis ikan untuk aku senaraikan and aku tak ingat satu satu, tapi yang kenal ada la nemo, piranha, starfish, dory, shark, coral dan banyak lagi la. Nak tahu ada apa lagi boleh datang sini (LOL tak membantu haha). Dekat situ ada juga pihak Aquaria sediakan information tentang setiap ikan yang ada. 'How the fish give birth', 'How long they can live', 'Asal usul mereka'. Kalau bawa budak kecil confirm diorang akan excited.

Did you know that male seahorse is the one that giving birth? 
For my honest review, aku paling suka part lalu dalam tunnel underwater. Shark, blue rays, and semua ikan yang besar besar diorang lalu atas kepala saja. Rasa teruja! They have mention yang apa yang kita nampak waktu dalam tunnel tu hanyalah beberapa percent sahaja. So, in the real life, diorang punya size lagi besar dari yang kita nampak.

Kenapa aku suka dekat tunnel ni sebab boleh tengok puas sepuas hati. Kalau aquarium lain semua kena hadang dengan orang lain. Tadi ada mention yang kami datang waktu public holiday so memang ramai laa orang dan tempat tu sangatlah sesak. So, untuk sesiapa yang tak suka keadaan yang sesak better datang waktu weekdays, inshaAllah tak ramai orang.

Shark ni tengah tidur. This is the view from the small window dekat luar tunnel. Imagine being so close with a shark.. 

Apa yang aku fikir waktu di bawah tunnel tu, ciptaan Allah sangat lah indah dan kadang kadang tak boleh dijangka atau dibayang oleh manusia. Dan masih banyak lagi spesis lautan yang lain tidak diterokai lagi. SubhanAllah.

Berangan macam jumpa 'All Blue' dalam one piece haha. 

You guys kena datang sendiri untuk rasa pengalaman macam ni. Maybe next trip boleh cuba aquaria yang kat tempat lain. Sebelum Aquaria KLCC, cuma pernah masuk aquaria di Universiti Malaysia Sabah saja. That time baru selesai program di Kota Belud, Sabah and pergi ke UMS for another program. Of course Aquaria KLCC is much bigger. But, the aquaria in UMS also very informative and best lah.


Short story, I have never been to any aquaria museum before (except UMS). Selalu tengok orang lain pergi and this place had always listed on my checklist. Then, I saw this one thread from twitter cakap yang ticket Aquaria ada offer. Apa lagi, memang terus plan untuk pergi. 

Before that, this is the normal admission fee for mykad holders and general admission.

The admission fee

But, if you purchase the ticket via Klook apps, you can get the promo price which cost you RM35 only (for adult mykad holder)! If you plan to come with your family, they included the combo plan for 2 adults and 1 child.

The admission fee with Klook price
You can use this invitation code: ZPCJUP for your apps (if this is your first time using Klook) and get another free RM15 promo voucher. Use this promo voucher while purchasing for Aquaria KLCC admission ticket and wallah, another RM15 off! (eg: from RM35 it reduce to RM20)

BUT, this price is valid until 25 JULY 2020 only. So, better make a quick plan before the promo is ended. 

I think thats it. For more information about Aquaria KLCC you guys can visit their official website. Better plan betul betul maybe dapat datang waktu diorang tengah feed their shark. Hari yang aku pergi tu memang diorang ada buat aktiviti feeding shark tu tapi tak ada rezeki. Kitorang sampai lewat sikit. And maybe other interesting activities pihak sana akan buat. You guys tahu tak yang korang boleh swim dengan shark? So, go on their website for more.

Thank you so much for your time reading my blog. Do email me for questions and suggestions! Until next time!

Bye-bye Aquaria

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