Hello people! One of my trips or activities during the previous semester holiday, going to Aquaria KLCC.
Aquaria KLCC is one of the largest aquaria through Southeast Asia. They have over 150 marine species include tiger sharks, lethal sea snakes, blue rays, bright coral fish, seahorses and more. It is located in the heart of the city, beneath the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre and can easily accessible from the Suria KLCC.
Hello people. I want to share a few places that my friend and I go for our 1 day trip in Penang on 23 July 2019!
Penang, here we go!
1. Roti Canai Transfer Road
Location: Jalan Transfer, Georgetown
Just see how big the chicken is haha
We start our morning by taking our breakfast at this stall by the road. at the time we arrived, the stall was already packed with people. Make sure you came early to avoid waiting for the available...
Hello people! For my first blog post, im gonna tell you a story about a one-eye-furious-but-cute-and-handsome-cat named Himawari. Kucing paling nakal pernah aku jumpa!
Macam model!
Time ni Nab ambil gamba dia. About a month before ambil keputusan tuk jadikan dia pet
Hima asalnya stray cat, jumpa dekat cafe kolej. His condition time tu, mata dia penuh dengan taik mata, badan dia ada luka luka, kaki dia pun kotor dengan tanah,...
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