Hi guys! I've been un-active since Ramadhan, I know hehe. So, here I'm back with the printable calendar. It's free of course. All things that you need are some A4 papers (any type of paper will do) and a printer. Unlike the 2020 version, this one is more minimal and blank, so you can decide to leave it like that or to doodle on them. It's up to you. You can even draw or color them if you want. Maybe put some sticker here and there. Let's be creative! Click...
so, how's your life right now? I hope that everyone can stay strong despite this pandemic. there are a lot of people losing their job, mentally exhausted. but, hey, we can do this. I know it so hard to be in this new normal. I feel you. you are not alone. we are in this together, alrigh...
Salam 01 Ramadhan 1441H! Here is my own Ramadhan checklist. Tak sempat nak buat cantik cantik sebab buat last minit (semalam). If you like this one, boleh download di bawah and print for free. (Kalau ada typo or salah maaf ye huhu). Nanti print depan belakang, so boleh jadi macam mini buku. Dan potong ikut garisan dan kesesuaian ye. Ikut creativity masing masing.
𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖍𝖆𝖓 𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
Memang saja buat kecil sebab...
Hi everything ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ! Untuk entry kali ni, aku nak buat tutorial macam mana untuk kita tukar folder icon kita jadi lebih menarik. Alang alang tak ada apa nak buat sekarang kan (hehe).
(Disclaimer: Tutorial ni valid untuk Windows sahaja okey)
(Link at below)
Happy February! Rasanya semua tahu yang 2020 tinggal lagi 11 bulan sahaja lagi. Dan aku pula baru siap design calender. Train lambat sampai. Agak sedih sebab tak sempat nak guna bulan January punya (uhuk). Tapi, tak apa terlambat, akhirnya calender 2020 siap juga!
2019 calender. First time buat calender sndiri :)
Kalau korang nak tahu, sebenarnya aku dah mula buat calender 2020 ni, waktu akhir november 2019. Time tu,...
Welcome to my blogging site people! Appreciate so much untuk support korang menjengah sekejap dekat my blog post. FYI, before this aku dah pernah cuba buat blog dan cuma ada 3 posts sahaja. Lepas tu, stop sekejap sebab tidak ada masa dan aku pun baru habis final exam. Aku terfikir untuk renovate balik the previous blog. Kita nak buat wajah baru, mudah untuk digunakan dan suka untuk orang tengok. So, sempena new decade 2020 (Happy new year guyss),...
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